John S Levin

Your Name
John S Levin
How You Knew David
I was a student of Dave's in his first job at University of British Columbia
Your Message

This is the teacher who inspired me to become an English professor--I taught the subject at Canadian community colleges for 11 years and continued to teach a few more classes after I became a Dean. I have since become a professor of higher education at the University of California, but I continue to study BC higher education.
I just learned that David passed away some year back but I have thought about him since my days as his student in 1965/66 and 1966/67. He opened the world of the Romantic poets to me more than anything else and I can never forget his analysis of Frost at Midnight as well as Wordsworth's verse.
I have over the years been contacted by my former English lit students who have told me that I made a major difference in their lives through the study of literature. But I know that it was Dave Powell who is responsible. I only wish I could have told him. I actually lived in Tucson from 1993-2002 where I worked at the University of Arizona.
Regards to his family--this was a one of a kind human being

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